expression experiment expansion
expression experiment expansion
expression experiment expansion
expression experiment expansion
The exhibition took place in September 2022 at the DDOR exhibition space in Novi Sad as part of Visual Arts Week within the “Kaleidoscope of Culture”.
This project brings together five young visual artists – Edvard Winters, Vladimir Janić, Sara Kecman, Darko Sretić, and Aleksandar Danguzov – who focus on exploring the possibilities and challenges of establishing certain forms of communication, both within themselves and with others. Dialogue, whether as conversation or counter-conversation, creates a unique relationship among the participants, prompting questions about the authenticity of these interactions. What factors contribute to communication barriers? When does dialogue lose its essential meaning, becoming inert, static, and one-sided? These questions, concepts, and reflections lie at the heart of “Project EXP” and the artistic work emerging from this group’s practice.